About ISHA

ISHA – The Hip Preservation Society is an international organisation which is focused on hip preservation surgery to enhance patient care and outcomes, through delivery of training, education, support of research, sharing of knowledge and best practice, fostering global collaboration and provision of patient and professional information to improve hip care.

ISHA is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO – ASSOCIATION) registered in England and Wales on 01 June 2022.

Charity Number: 1199165

Mission Statement

Our mission is to create “healthy hips” by bringing hip preservation, prevention and treatment to all the people regardless of age, social status, gender or economic situation.

Vision Statement

Our vision is a world with equitable access to quality treatment and the best achievable patient outcomes through improved access to appropriate treatment, early intervention, prevention and education, with the goal of us living in a world where hip joint replacement is only an occurrence of old age.

Image of a hip joint

ISHA’s Purpose

ISHA’s purpose is to advance, enhance, and raise awareness of the field of hip preservation, to facilitate early intervention to improve patient outcomes.

ISHA's Strategic Goals


Aligning with the United Nations Strategic Development Goals, ISHA have identified the following goals as key to achieving the Society’s long-term vision.

Strategies of ISHA - The Hip Preservation Society aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 - Good Health and Well-Being

Good Health and Well-Being

ISHA Strategies aligned to SDG 3:

  • Creation of patient education materials
  • Remote mentorship of regional healthcare professionals to improve skills development and improve patient local access to quality treatment
  • Development of regional screening programmes to aid early intervention
  • Creation of regional professional networks to improve support of healthcare professionals in developing countries
Strategies of ISHA - The Hip Preservation Society aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Quality Education

Quality Education

ISHA Strategies aligned to SDG 4:

  • Making online educational resources open access to enable greater access to quality learning
  • Introducing translation to online live learning to make content more accessible
  • Closer work in developing countries with universities to create greater understanding of the discipline and encouragement for young medical professionals to choose this specialty
  • Utilisation of AI / AR / VR technologies to make education in developing countries more accessible
Strategies of ISHA - The Hip Preservation Society aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 - Gender Equality

Gender Equality

ISHA Strategies aligned to SDG 5:

  • Acting as an ambassador to encourage more women to take up this specialty and create role models for the future
  • Ensuring access to learning materials is provided in a form and time that maximises the flexibility when learning can be consumed in a time and location that meets the optimum needs of those engaging with it
  • Ensuring that ISHA’s leadership and governance promotes gender equality
Strategies of ISHA - The Hip Preservation Society aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goal 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

ISHA Strategies aligned to SDG 9:

  • Developing VR / AI / AR technology solutions in partnership to enable increased access to learning and training in developing countries
  • Providing Travelling Fellowship and Regional Bursary grants to developing regions
  • Making available Research Development Grants, accessible to researchers in any geographical location
  • Working with commercial partners to develop plans for improving the medical device infrastructure in developing countries
Strategies of ISHA - The Hip Preservation Society aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goal 13 - Climate Action

Climate Action

ISHA Strategies aligned to SDG 13:

  • Responsible procurement
  • Responsible use of resources
  • Deployment of digital technologies to reduce carbon footprint
  • Work with all stakeholders to help achieve a net zero impact from your activities
  • Raise awareness of climate impact of activities being undertaken, with the aim of minimising negative climate impact caused
  • Consider where appropriate carbon offset initiatives
Strategies of ISHA - The Hip Preservation Society aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goal 17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Partnerships for the Goals

ISHA Strategies aligned to SDG 17:

  • Partnerships with technology companies to develop training tools to enhance training and education
  • Partnerships with regional and global associations to maximise collaboration initiatives across the globe
  • Partnerships with allied organisations to maximise efficacy of educational, training and wider activities through collaboration
  • Partnerships with medical device companies to work to ensure greater access to equipment and resources in developing countries

Registered Office Address

Lee Bolton Monier Williams
1 The Sanctuary

Administrative Office Address

Warrender House
Haywood Road
FG10 9BU

Tel: +44 (0)203 519 9427

Email: hello@ishasoc.org