ISHA - The Hip Preservation Society Terms of Membership

Please read ISHA’s membership terms and conditions.


ISHA – The Hip Preservation Society (ISHA) is registered as a company (13793663) and charity (1199165) in England and Wales whose registered office is at c/o Lee Bolton Monier Williams, 1 The Sanctuary, London, SW1P 3JT, United Kingdom. Administrative office address is Warrender House Haywood Road, Moffat, DG10 9BU, United Kingdom.

When you join ISHA as a “member” or “friend” you are subscribing to a service provided by the company and charity, the object of which is the advancement of treatment and preservation of health by promoting the science of hip preservation and education therein for the benefit of the public. The word “member”/”friend” or “membership”/”friendship” refers to your subscription or your status as a subscriber to the service.

These terms and conditions form the basis of the agreement through which ISHA will deliver its service. Upon joining ISHA as a member or friend, you agree to these terms and conditions and you are providing us with the appropriate consent to handle your personal information in accordance with the UK Data Protection Act 2018.

Information handling 

ISHA is a registered data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) UK. ISHA or its agents store, host and otherwise process the information (including personal data) supplied by its members / friends / subscribers / users via its website. See our Privacy Policy for more information.

Use of cookies

ISHA follows guidelines on cookies as outlined by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) UK. See our Cookie Policy for more information.

General users – visitors to the ISHA Website

ISHA does not collect any personal information from users visiting and browsing its website. Only aggregate data such as the number of visits per page are collected. Aggregate data are only used for internal and marketing purposes and do not provide any personally identifying information. We collect IP addresses to track visits by the use of cookies.

Data protection and use of personal data 

For information on how we collect and use your personal data, please visit our Privacy Policy.

Member/friend opt out

Communication will be in the form of email. Members and friends can update their preferences on their online profile and select:

  • whether or not they wish to receive marketing materials

Membership benefits

By purchasing ISHA membership, you will gain access to the following membership benefits, depending on which band of membership you purchase:

Ordinary Membership £270 for 12 months from 1 June – 31 May (pro-rated for mid-year joining)

Benefits include:

– Membership of the premier international hip preservation society
– A shared network with fellow colleagues
– Discounted registration fees for the ISHA Annual Scientific Meeting
– A listing in the “Find a Surgeon” feature on
– Direct access to the Arthroscopy Journal
– Direct access and publication fees at the Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery
– A range of benefits offered by partner societies
– Eligibility to apply for the ISHA International Travelling Fellowship
– Ability to apply for Regional Travelling Fellowship Bursaries
– ISHA newsletter subscription
– Opportunity to serve on ISHA committees
– Unrestricted access to Live and On Demand ISHA Virtual Education
– Ability to submit content for inclusion in the ISHA Virtual Education portal
– Access to the ISHA Trainee Virtual Fellowship Programme (for you or your trainees)
– Ability to apply for ISHA Research Grants
– Ability to submit surveys for distribution to membership (subject to review)
– Ability to submit research studies for listing in member area of website (subject to review)
– Access to the member only area and resources of the ISHA Society website
– Certificate of membership and membership logo

Associate Membership £160 for 12 months from 1 June – 31 May (pro-rated for mid-year joining)

Benefits include:

– Membership of the premier international hip preservation society
– A shared network with fellow colleagues
– Discounted registration fees for the ISHA Annual Scientific Meeting (excluding Trainee rates)
– Direct access to the Arthroscopy Journal
– Direct access and publication fees at the Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery
– A range of benefits offered by partner societies
– Eligibility to apply for the ISHA International Travelling Fellowship
– Ability to apply for Regional Travelling Fellowship Bursaries
– ISHA newsletter subscription
– Opportunity to serve on ISHA committees
– Unrestricted access to Live and On Demand ISHA Virtual Education
– Ability to submit content for inclusion in the ISHA Virtual Education portal
– Access to the ISHA Trainee Virtual Fellowship Programme
– Ability to apply for ISHA Research Grants
– Ability to submit surveys for distribution to membership (subject to review)
– Ability to submit research studies for listing in member area of website (subject to review)
– Access to the member only area and resources of the ISHA Society website
– Certificate of membership and membership logo

Physiotherapist Membership £100 for 12 months from 1 June – 31 May (pro-rated for mid-year joining)

Benefits include:

– Membership of the premier international hip preservation society
– A shared network with fellow colleagues
– A listing in the “Find a Physiotherapist” feature on
– Direct access to the Arthroscopy Journal
– Direct access and publication fees at the Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery
– A range of benefits offered by partner societies
– ISHA newsletter subscription
– Opportunity to serve on ISHA committees
– Unrestricted access to Live and On Demand ISHA Virtual Education
– Ability to submit content for inclusion in the ISHA Virtual Education portal
– Ability to submit surveys for distribution to membership (subject to review)
– Ability to submit research studies for listing in member area of website (subject to review)
– Access to the member only area and resources of the ISHA Society website
– Certificate of membership and membership logo

Affiliate Membership £100 for 12 months from 1 June – 31 May (pro-rated for mid-year joining)

Benefits include:

– Membership of the premier international hip preservation society
– A shared network with fellow colleagues
– Direct access to the Arthroscopy Journal
– Direct access and publication fees at the Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery
– A range of benefits offered by partner societies
– ISHA newsletter subscription
– Opportunity to serve on ISHA committees
– Unrestricted access to Live and On Demand ISHA Virtual Education
– Ability to submit content for inclusion in the ISHA Virtual Education portal
– Ability to submit surveys for distribution to membership (subject to review)
– Ability to submit research studies for listing in member area of website (subject to review)
– Access to the member only area and resources of the ISHA Society website
– Certificate of membership and membership logo

Trainee Membership Free of Charge

Benefits include:

– Membership of the premier international hip preservation society
– A shared network with fellow colleagues
– Direct access to the Arthroscopy Journal
– Direct access and publication fees at the Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery
– A range of benefits offered by partner societies
– ISHA newsletter subscription
– Opportunity to serve on ISHA committees
– Unrestricted access to Live and On Demand ISHA Virtual Education
– Ability to submit content for inclusion in the ISHA Virtual Education portal
– Access to the ISHA Trainee Virtual Fellowship Programme
– Access to the member only area and resources of the ISHA Society website
– Certificate of membership and membership logo

Emeritus Membership £80 for 12 months from 1 June – 31 May (pro-rated for mid-year joining)

Benefits include:

– Membership of the premier international hip preservation society
– A shared network with fellow colleagues
– Direct access to the Arthroscopy Journal
– Direct access and publication fees at the Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery
– A range of benefits offered by partner societies
– ISHA newsletter subscription
– Opportunity to serve on ISHA committees
– Unrestricted access to Live and On Demand ISHA Virtual Education
– Ability to submit content for inclusion in the ISHA Virtual Education portal
– Access to the member only area and resources of the ISHA Society website
– Certificate of membership and membership logo

Honorary Membership Free of Charge

Benefits include:

– Membership of the premier international hip preservation society
– A shared network with fellow colleagues
– Direct access to the Arthroscopy Journal
– Direct access and publication fees at the Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery
– A range of benefits offered by partner societies
– ISHA newsletter subscription
– Opportunity to serve on ISHA committees
– Unrestricted access to Live and On Demand ISHA Virtual Education
– Ability to submit content for inclusion in the ISHA Virtual Education portal
– Access to the member only area and resources of the ISHA Society website
– Certificate of membership and membership logo

Friend of ISHA $75 for 12 months from 1 June – 31 May (pro-rated for mid-year joining)

“Friendship of ISHA” does not constitute a full membership, but provides applicants with access to the following benefits:

– A shared network with fellow colleagues
– Direct access to the Arthroscopy Journal
– Direct access to the Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery
– Selected benefits offered by partner societies
– ISHA newsletter subscription
– Unrestricted access to Live and On Demand ISHA Virtual Education
– Access to the ISHA Trainee Virtual Fellowship Programme
– Eligibility to apply for Regional Travelling Fellowship Bursaries
– Access to the member only area and resources of the ISHA Society website
– Friend of ISHA certificate and logo

ISHA reserves the right to adjust the membership benefits and fees at any time without consultation with members, with the approval of the ISHA Executive Board.

Qualification for membership

Ordinary Membership

Is open to either surgeons or physicians who have a special interest in hip arthroscopic surgery and/or hip preservation who have been in clinical practice for a minimum of two years following accreditation (or equivalent) in their field. The Membership Committee encourages applicants who have demonstrated efforts in research, publications, or clinical leadership in the field, or by the presentation of a paper to the Society. Exceptions may be made following consideration by the Executive Committee.

Associate Membership

Is open to surgeons and physicians who have completed formal training, but who have been practicing less than 2 years. This status will be confirmed by the Executive Committee and presented to the Ordinary Membership at an AGM or EGM for their approval. Associate Members are not eligible to vote on matters concerning the Society.

Physiotherapist Membership

Is open to those who are physiotherapist or rehabilitation specialists. Physiotherapist Members are not eligible to vote on matters concerning the Society.

Affiliate Membership

Is open to those who are not surgeons or physicians and/or who do not possess a medical qualification. Affiliate Members are not eligible to vote on matters concerning the Society.

Trainee Membership

As part of ISHA’s commitment to education, training and raising the awareness of the importance of hip preservation as a sub specialty of Orthopaedic Surgery, ISHA are pleased to have launched in September 2024, a new Trainee Membership category.

This offers residents or fellows in training free membership of ISHA and access to membership resources and benefits whilst in training up to the age of 35*.

*Please check eligibility obligations and validation requirements

Emeritus Membership

Is open to Ordinary Members on reaching the age of 65 years and who are no longer in full clinical practice. This status will be confirmed by the Executive Committee and presented to the Ordinary Membership at an AGM or EGM for their approval. Emeritus Members are not eligible to vote on matters concerning the Society unless they form part of the Executive Committee.

Honorary Membership

May be offered to distinguished surgeons, physicians, scientists, and other practitioners who have a special interest in hip arthroscopic surgery. This status, which is by invitation from ISHA only, will be confirmed by the Executive Committee and presented to the Ordinary Membership at an AGM or EGM for their approval. Honorary Members are not eligible to vote on matters concerning the Society.

Friend of ISHA

Is open exclusively to individuals resident in countries classified as low or lower middle income according to the latest World Bank data available here. Kindly note that ISHA reserves the right to verify applicants’ eligibility.

Applications for membership

Application for a membership should be made to the Membership Secretary on the standard application form which is accessed via the Join ISHA page on the ISHA website. Applicants are asked to make the applicable subscription fee payment at the time of application.

The application will be inspected by the Membership Committee monthly, and membership notified thereafter. Membership will be formally ratified annually by the Ordinary Members at an Annual General Meeting (AGM), or an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).

Should your application be unsuccessful, we will refund the fee paid less GBP£ 60 administration fee.

Applications to become a Friend of ISHA

Application to become a Friend of ISHA should be made to the Membership Secretary on the dedicated application form which is accessed via the Join ISHA page on the ISHA website. Applicants are asked to make the applicable subscription fee payment at the time of application. Access to benefits will commence following verification of payment.

Membership/friendship renewal

Membership/friendship of ISHA is renewed annually on 1 June, but applications can be made at any time during the year.

Any questions relating to membership/friendship of ISHA should be made to Email, +44 (0)20 3519 947.

Conditions of membership: right to refuse applications 

ISHA membership is open to any individual interested in promoting the objects of the charity, and who meets the criteria required to qualify for each membership category. Once a member submits an application and appropriate payment to become a member, their membership status becomes pending. The pending member receives an automated receipt confirmation message advising receipt of application and that it is being presented to the Membership Review Committee for validation and approval. This is usually complete within 4 weeks of application.

ISHA reserves its right not to fulfil or to cancel a member application at any time.

If a member is accepted into ISHA membership and subsequently it turns out that any or all of the information they provided was misleading or false, ISHA reserves its right to revoke the membership with immediate effect, without the right of appeal.

Conditions of membership: membership period

Membership runs for 12 consecutive months from 1 June – 31 May each year. Members applying for membership mid membership year will receive a pro-rated fee for the year of joining, commencing the 1st day of the month after membership has been approved.  Any overpayment made at application will be offset against the following year’s annual subscription.

Ordinary and Associate Members who register to attend the Annual Scientific Meeting of ISHA – The Hip Preservation Society (ASM) will be entitled to apply for the full member rate registration as long as their membership dues are up to date and they are in “good standing” by 1st September for the year of the in the ASM. Members in “good standing” will be entitled to receive the benefits outlined for their membership category, as long as they are up to date with their membership dues (good standing).

Members who have not settled their annual membership dues by 1st September in the year of membership will have their membership status changed to “neutral” and all membership benefits will be suspended until dues are brought up to date.

During each 12-month period, members consent to receiving from ISHA:

  • 2 eNewsletters
  • Emails with details of ISHA events / programmes / membership / journal / partner society activities / society sponsor information / surveys
  • Renewal notices from 2 months before the end of their current membership
  • Reminders regarding renewal notices
  • Invitations to join ISHA volunteer leadership roles

Members can unsubscribe from direct emails and payment reminders at any time, however if they do not opt out, they will automatically receive these communications as part of the membership service. Members are reminded to keep their profile and preferences up to date via MyISHA so they receive the most suitable communications from ISHA.

Conditions of membership: membership cessation 

A member of ISHA who has subscribed to ISHA membership can cancel their membership at any time by contacting ISHA in writing at Members who cancel their membership are removed from membership with effect from the date on which their resignation is received by ISHA and all their member benefits and rights cease at that time. No refunds are given for ISHA membership cancellation.

If a member fails to pay their membership subscription fee for 2 years, in year 2 of non-payment members’ status will be changed to “poor standing”. A member at this point can still bring their membership into good standing by settling outstanding dues.

After 2 years non-payment, membership will be lapsed. If a membership is lapsed, a past member cannot re-apply for membership for a two year period, and will have to submit a new application for review by the ISHA Membership Review Committee.

Ordinary members will have their membership lapsed if the member fails to attend a minimum of one Society annual meeting every 3 years.

Membership may also be ceased as a result of a decision by the Executive Board, that cessation is in the best interests of the Society. Examples might include, but not be limited to, loss of license to practice, criminal behaviour, or unethical practice of any kind.

Conditions of membership: individual members’ obligations

ISHA expects of its members the highest standards of excellence, integrity, respect and inclusiveness. These values and expectations form the basis of the ISHA Code of Conduct that members are requested to abide by.

Conditions of membership: change of membership category

ISHA has the right to change a member’s membership category at its discretion, e.g. if ISHA feels the category of membership is inappropriate for their professional status. Members in the Associate Membership category will automatically have their membership altered to Ordinary Membership after having been in clinical practice for 2 years. Members will be required to just their subscription payment to align with the category adjustment.

Conditions of membership: additional conditions relating specifically to trainee member category

To be eligible for the trainee category, members must:
• Be a medical or osteopathic doctor
• Be currently enrolled in a certified orthopaedic residency programme or a fellowship
• Be no more than 35 years of age

Trainee membership is free for those who are residents and fellows, as an investment in the future of the field. In order to maintain eligibility, members must provide a validation letter from their institute or centre each year to confirm their status.

Trainee members must adhere to all rules, regulations, and criteria outlined in ISHA’s Bylaws, and actively participate and take full advantage of this remarkable opportunity.

Trainee members undertake to convert to Associate membership upon completion of their training.

Conditions of friendship: right to refuse applications 

Friendship of ISHA is open to any healthcare professional with an interest in hip preservation, interested in being kept informed of the activities of the Society through selected benefits and who meets the demographic eligibility set for the “Friend of ISHA” affiliation category, and “Friend of ISHA” status shall commence as soon as payment of the subscription fee has been verified.

ISHA reserves its right not to fulfil or to cancel a friend application at any time, particularly in the event of provision of misleading or false information or failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct.

Conditions of friendship: friendship period

Friendship of ISHA runs for 12 consecutive months from 1 June – 31 May each year. Friends applying mid membership year will receive a pro-rated fee for the year of joining. Any overpayment made at application will be offset against the following year’s annual subscription.

Friends who have not settled their annual subscription dues by 1st September in the year of membership will have their status changed to “neutral” and all benefits will be suspended until dues are brought up to date.

During each 12-month period, friends consent to receiving from ISHA:

  • 2 eNewsletters
  • Emails with details of ISHA events / programmes / membership / journal / partner society activities / society sponsor information / surveys
  • Renewal notices from 2 months before the end of their current “Friend of ISHA” subscription
  • Reminders regarding renewal notices

Friends can unsubscribe from direct emails and payment reminders at any time, however if they do not opt out, they will automatically receive these communications as part of the subscription service. Friends are reminded to keep their profile and preferences up to date via MyISHA so they receive the most suitable communications from ISHA.

Conditions of friendship: friendship cessation 

A friend of ISHA can cancel their subscription at any time by contacting ISHA in writing at Friends who cancel their subscription are removed from the subscription service with effect from the date on which their resignation is received by ISHA and all their benefits and rights cease at that time. No refunds are given for cancellation of friendship of ISHA.

If a friend fails to pay their subscription fee for 2 years, in year 2 of non-payment friends’ status will be changed to “poor standing”. A friend at this point can still bring their subscription into good standing by settling outstanding dues.

Friendship may also be ceased as a result of a decision by the Executive Board, that cessation is in the best interests of the Society. Examples might include, but not be limited to, loss of license to practice, criminal behaviour, or unethical practice of any kind.

Conditions of friendship: individual friends’ obligations

ISHA expects of its community the highest standards of excellence, integrity, respect and inclusiveness. These values and expectations form the basis of the ISHA Code of Conduct that friends are requested to abide by.

Conditions of friendship: change of category

Friends of ISHA may apply to become a full member of ISHA at any time, subject to review by the ISHA Membership Review Committee. Friends will be required to just their subscription payment to align with the category adjustment.


Members and friends may be notified of or invited to events organised by or in partnership with ISHA if such events are considered to be of value and benefit to members/friends. Our events may be subject to separate terms and conditions. Please check these at the time of booking.

Price information

Any fees displayed on the ISHA website are subject to change without notice.

ISHA reserves the right to increase the price of products and services from time to time. If this would be related to services subscribed by existing members or friends, members/friends will be informed in advance.

Governing law and jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales. You hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English or Welsh courts notwithstanding the jurisdiction where you are based.

If any court or competent authority decides that any of the provisions of these terms are invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, the term will, to that extent only, be severed from the remaining terms, which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by the law.

A person who is not party to these terms shall not have any rights under on in connection with them under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.


  • Liability for third parties: ISHA’s liability to its members and friends will not extend to any membership related benefits, goods or services provided by an external provider. ISHA specifically excludes liability for any loss or damage suffered by a member/friend as a result of her/his involvement in whatever manner with an external provider.
  • Accuracy of ISHA information: Reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information provided on our website, in newsletters, and any other publications; however, neither we nor the authors can accept liability for errors and omissions within publications.
  • ISHA website: The ISHA website(s) may contain links to other websites, which in turn may contain material that has been produced by third parties not affiliated with us. We have no control over those other websites and accept no responsibility or liability for information or content provided on such websites.
  • Unauthorised providers: Unfortunately, many large international conferences are now being targeted by fraudulent or unauthorised websites offering accommodation and online registrations to delegates and exhibitors. Often these websites are designed to look like official meeting and conference websites, but they are not. Please be vigilant when making plans for attending any ISHA event and book accommodation either via this website or directly with the hotel. Online registration for ISHA Annual Scientific Meetings and events is only ever provided through More information about unauthorised providers can be found here.

Even if data encryption is used, the security of information transmitted via the internet cannot be guaranteed. Any losses incurred or sustained by users who transmit information by electronic means shall be borne solely and exclusively by such user and in no event shall any such losses in whole or in part be borne by us. Please see the website’s Terms of Use.

Force majeure

Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or non-performance of its obligations by reason of matters beyond its control including, but not limited to, any act of terrorism, war, riot, civil commotion, compliance with any law or government order, fire, flood or storm, strikes, or any other industrial dispute, delay in transit, power failure, postal delay, or any event that cannot be reasonably be planned for or avoided.

These terms and conditions do not and shall not affect your statutory rights as a consumer. A person who is not party to these Terms shall not have any rights under or in connection with them under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

Variations to this agreement 

ISHA may change these terms and conditions at any time. The most recent edition of these terms and conditions will be binding upon ISHA members, friends, subscribers, and users. ISHA members and friends may exit the contract if they do not accept any proposed variation. These terms and conditions override any contrary terms or conditions published in relation to any membership/friendship subscription between a member and ISHA.

If ISHA’s privacy policies change, ISHA will notify its members, friends and subscribers by email or an announcement placed on this website.

Queries, complaints, comments 

We will endeavour to respond within 72 hours to any complaint or query received. This may be an acknowledgement that we have received a complaint whilst further investigations are carried out. If you have any queries, comments or complaints about products and services please contact us at

If you believe that any of the information ISHA holds about you is incorrect or out of date, please log in and edit your information, and if the data is not editable, forward the accurate information to

If members wish to obtain a copy of their personal data held by ISHA, then please write to You will be asked to provide proof of your identity and for any further information that might help ISHA to locate the data you are seeking.